24 november 2014

Week 47

Nu har vi i 5c gjort en blogg där vi kommer att skriva på engelska vad vi gjort från augusti till nu!  Vi jobbar i grupper om olika saker som hänt, till exempel Halloween eller saker vi jobbar med i skolan. Där vi ska få träna och lära oss att skriva och läsa bättre på engelska. 

                                                  Haga day.                                                                                                        In the end of August we had a day that we call "Haga day". This day is when everyone in the school runs on a track in Haga park. The grades 1,2 and 3 run first, then grades 4,5 and 6 run after. After all the classes ran the teachers give out awards to the fastest boy and the fastest girl and the winning class gets the golden shoe. 2b and 5b won the Golden shoes this year.

A trip around Europe

We've just started with this project this week. In this project we have to visit at least 3 countries in Europe, and we must be back in 3 weeks. We are only allowed to travel by train and we are creating our own passports. 

Olympics  2014
The first event was shotput Carl  was best in the class. He threw it 7 meters. The second event was 800 meters run Oscar was best in the class. Then we were suppose to have high jump but it started rain, so we ate lunch and then we went home. The rest of the events will be in May. 


We have worked with the election. We had school election and "Centerpartiet" won the school election. We made our own parties in groups and our buddies voted:) It is  more fun to work with politics when it is the election. We had really fun and we  really learned a lot of new things!

                                                             Our Games

Two weeks ago we started making games. When everyone was done with their games we went to our buddies in 2a. We played our games with them and they rated our games from 1-10. We tested our games many times before we went to our buddies. The games were about different things for example soccer. We think that they liked our games and it was fun.

                              NTA project 
We mixed different substances with different liquids and wrote up what happened when we mixed the substance and the liquid. We heated the substance with a candle and wrote down what happened.


We have done 3 classic events: swimming,running,and orientation. When we swam we  went to the Vanadis pool and swam four hundred meters! It was really cold because we was outdoors!

Now we going to tell a little bit about the running classic event.
We were in Vanadis park and ran 12 laps. It's was a nice weather. It's was little warm when we ran so much.

Now the last thing orientation. We were in  the Vanadis park and tried to find different things in an hour. There were 12 things. 

It was fun! If you passed everything you get a prize! But we haven't done the ice skating test yet. 

Wilda and Viveka.


The first thing we  did was a drawing test. In the test we drew how they lived and how they transported during the time of the Vikings. One of the other things was to search on the internet how they lived and how they sailed over the seas and oceans. We also searched which countries the Vikings wanted to live in and and where they stole.  A Viking village had a wall around the village. It was divided in 4 parts.

by Oscar and Maxim 

On October 24th we celebrated Halloween. First we ate candy. After we had recess. It was fun to play football in Halloween costumes. Then we watched a bad cartoon film. After the film we went to the spooky tunnel in the basement. It took a long time. Finally it was our turn. We went down the stairs a girl told us a spooky story of Johannes skolan in 1985. It was very creepy. They shouted loudly and they chased us. After this we had gym and this was quite fun. We played spooky ball. After school we went trick or treating on the way home. 

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